Our great friend Mary Lou Henry passed away on Friday, September 24, 2021. She died peacefully at home, with family and friends around her. Mary Lou has been part of the Fraternity House, Inc. family for as long as we can remember. She and her late husband Don were staunch supporters and fierce advocates for our mission and our programs. For many of our residents at Fraternity House, she truly was their “Mom.” Until her failing eyesight prevented her from driving, she was at the house every week without fail to make lunch or dinner, and regularly drove several of the residents to services at Pilgrim Church on Sundays. She made personalized Birthday cards and Christmas stockings for each resident and loved to shop for all of them during the holidays.
Mary Lou was a force of nature and was never afraid to say what was on her mind… often in the saltiest language. You always knew exactly where you stood with her. It was my honor to count her as a dear friend; we will miss her terribly, as will so many others. She was the personification of “Keeping Love Alive.”
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be sent to Fraternity House, Inc. in honor of Mary Lou.
The Mission of Fraternity House, Inc. is to provide warm and caring homes where vulnerable individuals living with HIV//AIDS can receive comprehensive care and services in order to rebuild their health and return to independent living; or where they can spend their last days in comfort and dignity.
*based on 2023-24 unaudited financial reports
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