Learn more about the story of Fraternity House, Inc. in this heartfelt PBS documentary. It shares our history, mission, and the incredible impact we’ve had on the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS. See how compassion and community come together to “Keep Love Alive.”
It began with a simple act of kindness during the height of the AIDS epidemic. In the face of fear and stigma, Ray Beierle opened his home to those who had nowhere else to turn. What started as one safe haven grew into Fraternity House, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to providing care, dignity, and hope to individuals disabled by HIV/AIDS. More than 30 years later, our mission continues to evolve, but our commitment to compassion remains unshaken.
Ray Beierle began housing homeless/runaway young men at his home in Escondido. When people would ask the residents where they lived, or when neighbors asked why so many men lived in one place, Ray’s stock answer was “Tell them it’s a fraternity house.” It soon became apparent that many of the young men were infected with—and dying from—the disease we eventually came to know as AIDS. Fear was pervasive, and no one else would take them in except Ray, who was assisted by a few brave volunteers.
Ray Beierle left the organization. There was only one employee (the house manager) and very little funding, but many individuals volunteered countless hours to ensure that Fraternity House would survive. Mary Jane Boyd, Bob Dean, and Mike Goupill, among others, managed to keep the organization afloat.
Fearful of AIDS, Ray’s neighbors forced him to move the shelter out of his home. He rented a house in Oceanside for the express purpose of running the shelter for 8 to 10 men. On May 31, 1988, Fraternity House was formally incorporated and granted nonprofit status as a 501(c)(3) entity (tax ID #33-0306861). It was the only AIDS hospice in San Diego County.
Fraternity House continued to grow and add caregiving staff members because of the pressing need for services, despite being evicted from two subsequent homes in Oceanside. Women also began to seek refuge within its doors.
Fraternity House moves to a permanent home in Elfin Forest through a $1-per-year lease with San Diego County. This serene location becomes a cornerstone of the organization’s work.
Michaelle House opens in Vista, expanding the organization’s capacity and honoring Michaelle Liddell, an AIDS activist who fought tirelessly for the rights and dignity of people with HIV/AIDS.
Fraternity House earns one of California’s first Residential Care Facility for the Chronically Ill (RCF-CI) licenses, allowing it to provide both end-of-life care and support for residents transitioning back to independence.
Throughout this decade, Fraternity House grows its caregiving team, adds services, and adapts to changing needs as life-saving medications make long-term management of HIV/AIDS more feasible.
The Semi-Independent Living (SIL) Program launches, offering private apartments and personalized support to residents who no longer need 24/7 care. This program helps residents transition toward full independence while maintaining a connection to Fraternity House, Inc.
With our residents needs changing, we recognized that our semi-independent living apartments were more in demand than our residential care facility. In an effort to better serve our clientele, we made the very difficult decision to close our original home in Elfin Forest, and divert more of our resources into a model that facilitated more independence and a faster track to full independent living. We also implemented our Alumni Program serving those residents who have full graduated out of care. To help insure their stability, we give them hands-on support for the first 90 days of their move from our facilities. Beyond that, we remain in place as resource for them for up to two years post move.
Fraternity House, Inc. operates the only remaining RCF-CI in San Diego County at Michaelle House, with fewer than 30 such facilities in existence in the State of California.
We have an excellent reputation among AIDS service providers and other RCF-CIs; Community Care Licensing often refers people to us as a model for this licensing designation. Our semi-independent program has grown to nine apartments, with another three slated to be added in fiscal year 2024-25. We have 15 employees and an annual budget of $1.5 million; approximately two-thirds of our funding comes from government sources, 25% from private individuals and grants, and the rest from resident rents (charged on a sliding scale with some residents paying $0).
The Mission of Fraternity House, Inc. is to provide warm and caring homes where vulnerable individuals living with HIV//AIDS can receive comprehensive care and services in order to rebuild their health and return to independent living; or where they can spend their last days in comfort and dignity.
*based on 2023-24 unaudited financial reports
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